Confirmation Saint Naming Mass
Wednesday, Oct. 30
8:15 AM Mass (as part of the Schools Saints Celebration)
Parents are welcome to attend if able.
At this Mass, students will declare their chosen Confirmation Saint.
Confirmation Sponsor/Candidate Day
Sunday, December 15
Attend 12:15 Mass - 3 pm
If the sponsor isn't able to attend, another adult may stand in.
Church then Undercroft
Confirmation Retreat
Sunday, February 2, 2024
9:00 am-5:00 pm School
Students will attend Mass at 12:15 as a group
Wednesday, February 5, 2024
Arrive at 6:00 for pictures
Mass begins at 7:00 pm
Reception immediately following Mass in the Undercroft
As you prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, you are asked to choose a Confirmation saint as your patron/patroness. At your Confirmation you will be confirmed using this name. You may select a name from the Bible, or a canonized saint of the Catholic Church. The saint you choose should reflect a devotion you have to the saint, virtues or gifts to which you aspire, or the patron saint of certain gifts that are dear to you.
Read and learn about several saints and their lives before making your choice. You can choose a saint of either gender.
Pray about the saint you are considering.
Your teacher will approve your selection of a saint before you complete the report
Confirmation names are a special part of the confirmation process for Roman Catholics, especially those in English-speaking countries. Before the ritual of being confirmed, those seeking confirmation choose to take a saint's name with whom they identify. After confirmation, the confirmed can pray to the saint for guidance and protection.
Roman Catholics going through confirmation choose a saint they feel an affinity for as their confirmation name. The patron saint then serves as their guide and protector. Choosing a confirmation name is not biblical and does not come from the official Catholic liturgical book. The custom originated in the United Kingdom and is also practiced in the United States, Germany and Poland.
The set of confirmation names is as long as the list of saints that can be found in the resources section below. Some of the more popular confirmation names for girls are Mary, Teresa and Catherine. For boys they are Michael, Thomas and Francis.
The common advice for those trying to decide on a name is to research saint names and find one that fits their personality or spiritual goals. Those seeking confirmation are also encouraged to pray and seek a saint that is willing to guide them as they seek a closer relationship with God.
Candidates are asked to complete a two-page research paper on the saint whose name they have chosen. Names of saints are chosen to serve as patrons and models for those being confirmed. Candidates are encouraged to choose a saint’s name as the Confirmation name, not because of the attractiveness of the name, but because of the attractiveness of the Christian life that the person led. The chosen name for Confirmation is the same name that the candidate researches for the Saint Project.
Cover of Report: Includes name of Saint researched and candidate’s name
When and where was your saint born? Did s/he live in one place?
What did s/he do for a living?
What drew him or her to Jesus Christ?
Did your saint become a priest or nun, or was he/she a layperson?
Did your saint know other saints of the Catholic Church? Did they get along?
What sort of obstacles did your saint have to overcome to attain holiness?
Did your saint write any books? Has another saint written about your saint?
When and how did your saint die?
On what date is your saint celebrated by the Church? Is there a reason why it is this date?
On what date was your saint declared a saint by the Church?
What is your saint the patron/patroness of?
What miracles are attributed to your saint?
Your report should also explain why you chose this saint. Here are some questions that can help you:
What virtues or qualities does this saint have that you admire?
Do you and your saint have any similarities?
Are there other saints who were devoted to your patron saint?
Is your saint the patron/patroness of something that matters to you?
How can this saint help you live your life as a confirmed Catholic?
You can include pictures, maps, and quotes from your saint. You can also include quotes about your saint made by important figures within the Church (including other saints).